100% Money Back Guarantee
Once you have decided that you would like BW Design to build your new website, we ask you to complete a short feedback questionnaire, provide us with your business name and logo and pay your deposit.
This initiates the BW Design process, our design team will develop the initial design concepts for your new website based on your input.
These are then tabled with you for your review, based on the feedback you provide we refine our designs and submit again for approval.
At this point in the development process, if you feel that BW Design is not the best partner for you on your new project we will happily repay your deposit and agree to go our separate ways.
We are confident that this won’t happen – we know what we are doing, however our 100% money back guarantee does give you control of the process and will help alleviate any concerns you may have before embarking on your web design and development project.